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\n"; // Slideshow button if ($slideshow && !isset($_REQUEST['slideshow'])) echo "\n"; echo "


\n"; // Build the menu if(!isset($_SESSION['menulite'])) { $_SESSION['menulite'] = array(); $home = false; $homedir = getcwd(); if ($dir = @opendir($homedir)) { while ($dirname = @readdir($dir)) { if (substr($dirname,0,1) != '.' && is_dir($dirname) && $dirname != 'thumbs') { $_SESSION['menulite'][] = array(str_replace('.', '', $dirname), $dirname); photoalbums($homedir . '/' . $dirname . '/'); } else if (substr($dirname,0,1) != '.' && !is_dir($dirname) && $dirname != $scriptname) { $extension = strtolower(substr($dirname, strrpos($dirname,'.') + 1, strlen($dirname))); if ($extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg' || $extension == 'png' || $extension == 'gif') $home = true; } } } if ($home && count($_SESSION['menulite']) > 0) { array_unshift($_SESSION['menulite'], array(basename(dirname(__FILE__)), './')); } } // Print the menu echo "\n"; foreach($_SESSION['menulite'] as $key => $url) { if (substr($url[0],0,1)!='.') {echo "\n";} } else { echo "\n"; } } //echo "\n"; //echo "\n"; echo "
";} if ($_SESSION['album'] == $key) echo "$url[0]"; else echo "$url[0]"; if (key_exists($key + 1, $_SESSION['menulite'])) { $nextmenuitem = $_SESSION['menulite'][$key + 1]; if (substr($nextmenuitem[0],0,1)=='.') {echo "
";} else {echo "
© EasyPhpAlbum Lite
\n"; // Insert a banner below the menu, place the code here // echo "
\n"; // Banner code // echo "
\n"; // Main content echo "
\n"; // Determine which album to show if (count($_SESSION['menulite']) == 0) { $album = './'; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['album'])) { if (key_exists($_SESSION['album'], $_SESSION['menulite'])) { $albumurl = $_SESSION['menulite'][$_SESSION['album']]; $album = $albumurl[1]; } } else { $albumurl = $_SESSION['menulite'][0]; $album = $albumurl[1]; } } if (!isset($_SESSION['images'])) { // Read all image files in selected album $_SESSION['images'] = array(); $newthumbs = array(); if ($dir = @opendir($album)) { while ($filename = @readdir($dir)) { if (substr($dirname, 0, 1) != '.' && !is_dir($filename)) { $extension = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename,'.') + 1, strlen($filename))); if ($extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg' || $extension == 'png' || $extension == 'gif') { $_SESSION['images'][] = $filename; if (!file_exists($album . '/thumbs/' . substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')) . ".jpg")) $newthumbs[] = $album . '/' . $filename; } } } } // Save new thumbs if required if (count($newthumbs) > 0) { $thumb = new easyphpthumbnail; $thumb -> Thumblocation = $album . '/thumbs/'; if (!file_exists($thumb->Thumblocation)) { @mkdir($thumb->Thumblocation); @chmod($thumb->Thumblocation, octdec($thumb->Chmodlevel)); } $thumb -> Createthumb($newthumbs); } } // The main table echo "', $table[0]-$column) . "\n" . "
\n"; // Display the thumbs or photo $column = 0; $table = explode('x', $tableformat); $tablesize = $table[0] * $table[1]; if (isset($_REQUEST['photo'])) { $photo = basename($_REQUEST['photo']); } else { $photo = ''; } echo "\n"; if ($photo == '') { // Display thumbnails if (count($_SESSION['images']) > 0 && count($_SESSION['images']) >= ($page-1)*$tablesize) { foreach($_SESSION['images'] as $key => $image) { if ($key >= ($tablesize*($page-1)) && $key < ($tablesize*$page)) { if ($column == 0) { echo ""; } if (file_exists($album . '/thumbs/' . substr($image, 0, strrpos($image,'.') + 1) . 'jpg')) { echo ""; } else { $size = @getimagesize($album . "/$image"); if ($size[0] > $size[1]) $width = $thumbwidth . 'px'; else $width = ceil($size[0]/($size[1]/$thumbwidth)) . 'px'; echo ""; } $column += 1; if ($column == $table[0]) { $column = 0; echo "\n"; } } } $lastpageimages = count($_SESSION['images'])-($tablesize*($page-1)); if ($page == ceil(count($_SESSION['images'])/$tablesize) && $lastpageimages < $table[0]) { echo "
\n"; } else if ($column < $table[0] && $column > 0) { echo str_repeat('
\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; } } else { echo "
No images found!
\n"; } } else { // Display full size photo if (in_array($photo, $_SESSION['images'])) { // Getimagesize is slow but required to display photos within the current screenwidth $size=getimagesize($album.'/'.$photo); if ($size[0]>($_SESSION['screenwidth']-360)) { $width='width : ' . ($_SESSION['screenwidth']-360) .'px'; } else { $width="width : $size[0]px"; } $index=array_search($photo, $_SESSION['images']); if ($browsing && !isset($_REQUEST['slideshow']) && key_exists($index + 1, $_SESSION['images'])) { $nextf="onmouseover=\"this.bgColor='$buttoncolor';'pointer';\" title=\"browse forward\" onclick=\"location.href=('$scriptname?page=$page&photo=" . urlencode($_SESSION['images'][$index + 1]) . "');\""; $nextfs="style=\"width : 30px; border : 1px solid $buttoncolor;\""; } else { $nextf=''; $nextfs='style="width : 30px; border : 0px;"'; } if ($browsing && !isset($_REQUEST['slideshow']) && key_exists($index - 1, $_SESSION['images'])) { $nextb="onmouseover=\"this.bgColor='$buttoncolor';'pointer';\" title=\"browse backward\" onclick=\"location.href=('$scriptname?page=$page&photo=" . urlencode($_SESSION['images'][$index - 1]) . "');\""; $nextbs="style=\"width : 30px; border : 1px solid $buttoncolor;\""; } else { $nextb=''; $nextbs='style="width : 30px; border : 0px;"'; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\"$photo\"\n"; if ($show_name) echo "

" . substr($photo, 0, strrpos($photo, '.')); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
No image found!
\n"; } } // Display the amount of pages if ($tablesize < count($_SESSION['images']) && $photo == '') { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; for ($i = 1; $i <= ceil(count($_SESSION['images']) / $tablesize); $i++) { if ($page == $i) { echo " $i";} else {echo " $i"; } } echo "
\n"; } // Close the main table echo "
\n"; // Insert a banner below the main content, place the code here // echo "
\n"; // Banner code // echo "
\n"; // End of page //echo "\n"; //echo "\n"; // Functions function photoalbums($path) { global $homedir; if ($dir = @opendir($path)) { while ($dirname = @readdir($dir)) { if (substr($dirname,0,1) != '.' && is_dir($path . $dirname) && $dirname != 'thumbs') { $_SESSION['menulite'][] = array(str_repeat('.', substr_count($path . $dirname, '/', strlen($homedir))-1) . str_replace('.', '', $dirname), substr($path, strlen($homedir) + 1) . $dirname); photoalbums($path . $dirname . '/'); } } } } ?>  
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